There we go, all locked up. You can’t have sex, masturbate, or even get hard without my permission. I can’t tell you how hot that much power is. I just love having that kind of control over you. I could decide, on a whim, to never allow you to ejaculate again. It’s positively delicious.
I also love making your crossdress. Forcing you to dress as my maid is especially hot. That’s basically what you are anyway, you might as well look the part. Mmm… this is really turning me on. I think I’m going to burn all the rest of your male clothes. That’s going to be so hot.
It’s not enough. I need even more control. I want to own you completely.
From now on, you are never allowed to eat human food again. You will exclusively eat dog food blended with my own poop. Obviously since it’s dog food you II have to eat it from a dish on the floor. Oh yes. I like that.
What else… oh I know! We’re going to go shopping. You should enjoy the trip because it’ll be the last time I ever let you out of the house again. We’re going to find you a nice big inflatable butt plug. I’m going to keep you plugged whenever your little sissy pussy isn’t in use.
Oh baby, you make me so wet.
Sissy Femdom and Humiliation
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