15 remarkable femdom drawings
“Now these two are really special – Garbage-can is the son of Serving-tray and we seldom rent them out or use them separately” Vicky said. Mrs. Myckepengar nodded, smiling at the two bizarre rubber figures. “Oh! How nasty! That is just DIVINE, my dear! just MUST rent ’em to my next party!” “No problem Mrs. M – as long as we can count on your support next week in the hearing?” “Of course – a fine, female empowering organization such as Phi-Omega-Delta needs all support it can get!
The two females smiled at each other as the standing rubber figure made a guttural sound and a twitching motion, making the few glasses still unclaimed on its tray a clink together. “Why does it do that?” “I guess the itching powder. horse-hair and stuff we put in the suits before dressing ’em could be an explanation…anyhow, it has rested long enough!” Vicky snapped her fingers and made a gesture – the bizarre figure that once had been Kurt Woolhem, head English literature and international history teacher at Bluwald School for girls, made a soft, gurgling sound of protest. Slowly, gingerly balancing on the tip of his toes, he again moved slowly forward, his stiff, Ultra-Viagra conditioned, cock swaying,glasses clicking. “There – a moving serving tray – a must at every party!” Vicky laughed.
The younger rubber figure painfully eased forward on his knees, struggling to keep up. “My dear, there is another matter I wanted to talk to you about, I might need your help in a small matter next week.You see. I am divorcing my fifth husband, and I have a feeling that Greg might prove… difficult.” “You want us to arrange, shall we say, a “disappearance” then?” Mrs. Myckepengar smiled an evil smile. “Exactly! And as I have need of a new maid I figured you might, eh “educate” him in things he will need to know to fulfill his new role in life and basically domesticate him from you at full market value afterwards!” “Oh, don’t worry about that Mrs. M – for a really good friend of the sorority we perform small services like that for nothing! And your husband is a real stud, it will give the girls a thrill to work on something like that for a change!”
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